Cedar Hill Guidance Counselor

Ashton Moran

Ashton Thompson

Who? What? When? Where?

Why does my school have a counselor?

The counselor is here to help me to get along with other boys and girls, to feel good about myself, and to help me do my best in school. She wants me to be able to:

  • learn skills, such as getting along well with others

  • learn more about myself and others as special people

  • learn to manage my time wisely

  • learn to solve my own problems

When may I see the guidance counselor?

  • When my class or small group has a guidance activity

  • When my teacher asks us to work together

  • When my parents request that the counselor work with me

  • When the counselor invites me

  • When I ask to visit the counselor


    What will my counselor do?

    She will listen to me when I . . .

  • Feel angry, sad, afraid, or just want someone to listen

  • Have problems focusing on my school work

  • Want to talk about my future plans regarding when I grow up

  • Just need a friend


Email Asthon Thompson